8/2 - Wed - Tips to Save on Groceries

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💁🏼‍♀️ Leveling Up 💁🏼‍♀️

Bienvenidos my Basic Bombshells!

Ok. Who else is astounded by these food prices 🙋‍♀️?

Don’t worry, I’m not emailing you just to complain about inflation - we will talk tips too.

BUT FIRST, can we still complain a little?

Eating at home was supposed to be inexpensive and now a box of cereal is upwards of….

What to be done?!?!

While I can’t lower those prices for us all, here are some tips that might help - try 1 (or all) of these the next time you hit the grocery store.

1. Plan your meals: We can’t stress this enough! You will spend far less when you have a plan. Shameless plug: If you’re in our membership you get a full month meal plan every month! If you’re making your own plan, try giving each day a theme to help you narrow down your recipe choices. And check out our tried and true favorite recipe blogs!

2. Make a shopping list: Write down all the items you need (which will be easy because you meal planned) and stick to your list. This will help you avoid unnecessary purchases and stay focused on the essentials. I like using google keep and creating check-boxes for every grocery item ✅.

3. Compare prices: This certainly relates to name brand vs. generic, but also consider checking prices at different grocery stores to find the best deals. There are even apps that will help do the heavy lifting for you Compare unit prices to determine the best value for your money. Sometimes, larger packages or bulk purchases may be more cost-effective in the long run.

4. Buy in season! Check your local grocery store’s circular for what’s currently on sale and plan your meals around that. Cherries, for instance, are $12 a lb on the shoulder season but they’ve been under $6 for the past few weeks because it’s cherry season baby! (They’re Jen’s fav)

5. Buy in bulk: Consider purchasing non-perishable items, such as rice, pasta, canned goods, toiletries, and more,  in bulk. This is often less expensive than buying smaller quantities.

Your Move

Choose 3 ingredients that have been in your kitchen (pantry, fridge, or freezer) for over 3 months (that aren’t expired!) and make a meal that incorporates all three.

Use only ingredients you already have at home. Tag us on Insta and let us know what you come up with!

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💁🏼‍♀️ Leveling Up 💁🏼‍♀️

Photo by Walls.io on Unsplash

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The Lightning Round

What would you say your biggest struggle is when it comes to saving money on groceries?

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Until next time,

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