9/06/23 - Wednesday

Brought to you by:
🪑 2 Chairz 🪑

Happy 5 Ways Wednesday!

That’s what I’m calling it because I love alliterations.

This one’s not an alliteration but still super important. It’s the “Big 3.” If you’ve listened to Frugal Friends Podcast you know we prefer to save on big expenses so we can spend freely on smaller ones. The 3 biggest expenses most people face are

  1. 🏡 Home

  2. 🚕 Transportation

  3. 🥘 Food

While food is the one we get asked about most often, saving on housing and transportation makes an even bigger impact.

comedy central GIF by Workaholics

The unfortunate thing is we don’t think about the big picture as much because these spending decisions don’t come up as often as food decisions.

One transportation spending decision that comes up once a year is your auto insurance plan. Take it seriously and you’ll save way more than focusing on your daily latte habit.

Here are 5 ways to save:

1. Shop around! Don't settle for the first quote you receive. 👩‍💻 Compare rates from different insurers to find the best deal.

2. Bundle policies. If you have multiple insurance needs, like home and auto, consider bundling them with the same provider for potential discounts. 💰 We like using Policygenius to find the best insurance bundles. **

3. Raise your deductibles. Increasing your deductible can lower your premium, just make sure you have enough set aside to cover it if needed. 🚙 If you have an auto loan, you may not be able to do this so check out our episode on being smart about auto loans so you can save there instead.

4. Maintain a good driving record. Safe driving reduces the risk of accidents and helps you qualify for lower premiums. 🚦 And you can enroll in your insurer’s Safe Driver tracking program.

5. Maintain good credit! Many insurers use credit scores when determining premiums. 📑 Building and maintaining good credit can help you save on car insurance. You’ll hear all about this one on Friday’s episode about how your credit score saves you money (in more ways than just loans!)

This Friendletter is Brought to you by:
🪑 2 Chairz 🪑

From the producer who brought you 2 Chainz and Scandinavian minimalism comes the premiere event of the fall season, 2 Chairz: I’m The Same. Eliminate all physical possessions from your house and save 2 Chairz so your minimalism can look the same as every picture of minimalism on Getty Images.

J/k! Got you there, huh? We’re not about that version of minimalism. We are about the kind that clears out what’s not important to make more space for what is. Maybe we should call it Simpleism. Want to simplify your work-life and calm your mind? Join our friend Rose’s 30-Day Simplicity Challenge! Get daily tips to help you create more calm, open spaces in your home, work, and mind in just one month. 

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Until next time,

⭐️⭐️ P.S. Want to share all this goodness with your friends AND earn cool Frugal Friends merch?

**Means this is a sponsored or affiliate section. We may earn a small fee or commission when you choose to try one of our sponsor or affiliate partners. But opinions are still 1000% our own.